Does Your Heat Pump Need to Be Replaced in Jacksonville, FL?

Constant heat pump use can wear it out, leading to substantial efficiency issues that raise your bills. While professional repairs may help, there will eventually come a time when you should replace the system. Keep watch for these signs that mean a heat pump replacement is necessary in Jacksonville, FL.

Higher Monthly Energy Costs

A system that constantly runs to provide heat will slowly increase your costs. It’s normal to notice increases in your utility costs in the summer and winter when the weather is extreme. However, if every utility bill you receive is slowly climbing, your heat pump is no longer functioning as efficiently as possible.

A routine HVAC tuneup will keep your heat pump working well during its lifespan. A service technician will also keep you informed on potential issues or repair concerns.

Frequent Repairs

Older heat pumps struggle under the weight of worn-out components. The system may periodically stop producing heating and cooling or suffer from regular refrigerant leaks. If you’re calling for repairs more than two or three times a year, consider saving your money by investing in a new model.

Inconsistent Heating and Cooling

Your HVAC system should be able to provide consistent and reliable temperature control no matter the time of year. Unfortunately, outdated heat pumps will create hot and cold spots throughout the home. You and your family will have a hard time feeling warm or comfortable.

Decreased Indoor Air Quality

Heat pumps play a role in moderating your humidity, air quality and overall ventilation. Unexplained symptoms of sickness, perpetually stale air and high airborne moisture levels all point to issues with your heat pump.

Consider replacing your heat pump if it’s negatively impacting your energy bills, indoor air quality and overall comfort. Call YMG Air Service Heating & Cooling for excellent heating installation services in Jacksonville, FL.

Image provided by iStock

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